Tamzon D. Feeney, D.O.
Osteopathic Manual Medicine-Cranial Sacral Osteopathy

Meet the Staff

Dr. Tamzon D. Feeney, D.O.
Dr. Tamzon Feeney received her undergraduate degree in nursing science. She went onto receive her Doctor of Osteopathy Degree (D.O.) at Michigan State University in 1979. She has over 35 years combined experience in both nursing and osteopathic medicine.
While Dr. Feeney is trained in all the manipulative therapies of osteopathic medical school, she specializes in Cranial Sacral Osteopathy. This therapy utilizes gentle hands on manual manipulations to the skeletal system and connective tissues in order to realign and stimulate the body’s own healing abilities. The terms cranial sacral suggest this type of therapy is used only on the cranium (head) and sacrum (pelvis) but this is not true. The principles of cranial sacral osteopathy are applied to all limbs, extremities, joints, the entire spinal column and internal organs of the body.
She has worked with babies still in the womb all the way up to geriatric patients who are at the end of their live path. She has been in private practice since 1987. To this day Dr. Feeney is involved in education of osteopathic medical students around the United States for both the Cranial Academy and Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation.
Dr. Feeney is compassionate, knowlegeable, and empathetic. She is thorough and will listen to all your concerns. She is committed to finding the root cause of patient's specific issues so treatment and healing can begin.

Linda Olson B.S.,C.N.
Linda Olson has been working with Dr. Tamzon Feeney as her physicians assistant in the area of hormones and nutrition since 1992.
Many women and men seek our help to deal with hormonal balance, menopause and andropause related symptoms (e.g. fatigue, lowered immune system, low sex drive, rapid aging, etc.). Hormones are powerful regulatory molecules in the body, which can influence mood changes, weight gain (and loss), and many other important health functions such as bone loss, heart health and immune function.
We provide hormone testing, consultation, recommendations and when indicated, prescriptions for bio-identical hormones.
It is our goal to help our patients balance their hormones and to provide supportive information about hormone balance, diet and lifestyle.
Linda is an important asset to our clinic. With over twenty years experience, she will help you sort through all the issues of effective hormone balancing with patience and keen awareness.

Amy Fretz, R.N., B.S.N.
Amy completed her Bachelor in Nursing Science degree in 1988. She has clinical experience in medical intensive care, ambulatory care, management, homecare, hospice and telephone triage. She received an honorary membership to Sigma Theta Tau for Outstanding Achievement in Community Care nursing. She has taught students during their student rotations in the hospital as well as in the community.
In addition, Amy provides Therapeutic Healing Touch Therapy. Dr. Feeney has been her mentor since 1992. She has experience working with adults and children with a wide variety of illnesses.
Amy has a unique perspective on health and wellness because she has had to deal with many health challenges of her own which took her out of her career. We thank her for her volunteering with our clinic and sharing her wisdom.